What led you to pursue Interior Design?
If you asked five-year-old me what I wanted to do when I grew up, I would have told
you I wanted to be a Strawberry Shortcake princess rodeo queen. If you had asked me
again in high school, I would have said a marketing specialist or a special needs
teacher. Somewhere between five and 18, we seem to lose the ability to dream big.
We get “realistic” and lose track of what makes our hearts sing. But in those moments,
I dreamed, like a kid, I wanted to be an Interior Designer. When I came to UNT, God
blessed me with the opportunity to pursue my dream. A lot of chance incidents had
to happen to get me where I am now, and I believe that is part of a bigger plan. The
best part is I didn't have to abandon the reasons I wanted to be a special needs teacher
or a marketing specialist. I wanted to help people who aren't always heard, and interior
design allows me to do that.
What are your hopes for the future of design?
The importance of interior design is growing in the world. This profession is needed
to support the community that we live in through the physical environment. Interior
design is important to marketing, branding, acceptance, health, community, and more.
In the future, I see a world that understands these needs and interior design becoming
more of a standard on the front end of all new spaces.
Slide 1: The Bee Hive Project
Slide 2: Creative Co-op
Slide 3: Universal design kitchen