Portal to Assistantships in CVAD

Fill out the formTA: Teaching Assistant | TF: Teaching Fellow | GSA: Graduate Services Assistant

Graduate students must complete an application for each semester for which employment is desired — fall, spring or summer. Even if employment has been indicated as a provision of an offer letter, no graduate student can be employed without completion of the application.

If you are hired for a TA/TF/GSA position, your appointment will start the week prior to the beginning of the semester. Typically, there is an all-college meeting as well as other meetings throughout that week. Please be in touch with your supervisor — this could be a department chair or a member of the college's technical staff, or someone else — regarding your particular obligations. Your supervisor will be indicated on your employment contract.

For those graduate students whose appointment includes a course in the CVAD Foundations program, please note that you are required to attend the lecture that corresponds to your lab section as well as to attend weekly workshops.

Instructions to fill out the form

  1. Click on the date that the application becomes available.
  2.  Log in with your EUID and password to complete the application.

Spring 2025

Application availability: Oct. 7, 2024
Priority deadline: Oct. 21, 2024

Summer 2025 | Closed

Grad students cannot take a course and be employed during the same summer term.
Application availability: TBA
Priority deadline: TBA

Fall 2025 | Closed

Students must be registered for their full-time classes before applying.
Application availability: TBA
Priority deadline: TBA