Technical Specifications for Marketing Requests

CVAD Image & Video Requirements

Files exceeding 700KB should be compressed or emailed to The submitter must clear all images in advance for permission or copyright considerations and meet the requirements for image file size (weight in kilobytes) and dimensions (inches or pixels) described on this page. Marketing reserves the right to edit images to comply with image requirements and UNT style guidelines and CVAD branding.

Important Note: To ensure your image is published, send the vector file version — the native files of the art, name of the fonts used, and text  include it in your email. Sending only a rasterized image without the separate text may delay your request until you send it or resulting your file being edited or not published at all. Examples of raster image file types are BMP, TIFF, GIF and JPG files

Use of all Capital Letters: THIS IS YELLING. Please avoid using all capital letters in your designs. It is seen as yelling at sighted and visually impaired readers. People who are blind and using a screen reader also hear it as yelling. This does not apply to acronyms or designs with sparing use of capitalization for emphasis. 

Have a QR code? Be sure to include the URL targeted in the QR code.

UNT Style: UNT asks us to follow Associated Press Style. Common edits include the following.
For dates and years, use figures. Do not use st, nd, rd, or th with dates, and use Arabic figures. Always capitalize months. Spell out the month unless it is used with a date. When used with a date, abbreviate only the following months: Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec. Spell out the name of the building with its room number: Art Building, Room 123, not ART 123. In text, not dates, spell out numbers one through nine.

Universal Signage: Digital Screens in the Art Building

Required size: 1920w px x 935h px, 72 dpi; 8.5" x 11" posters will not be considered; .jpgs or .pngs only. When adding type, please set the type at least one inch (96 pixels) from the left, bottom and right for each digital screen's variable sizing or your submission may be returned or edited. Use few words; this is like a billboard, and your message only gets a drive-by. Do not use small typography; remove the text if it is not important enough to make it readable at a glance.

If you're uploading directly to the University Signage app, please contact, to review the UNT and CVAD branding requirements, such as the size of the banner, the size of the inset banner with a title, color bar usage, etc.

Make your sign perceivable, operable, understandable and robust!

We follow UNT branding guidelines; these guidelines are not made arbitrarily or meant impede your project. If you would like assistance or for the Marketing Office to do this for you, please email or call 940-369-5249.

Building Names: Refer to the Art Building — not CVAD Building — and Art Annex — not CVAD 2.
Capital Letters: Avoid using all caps except for emphasis.
Color: Use color-blind–safe palettes.
Contrast: Ensure sufficient contrast by using a contrast checker.
Dates: Use cardinal numbers for dates — except in proper nouns.
Day of the Week: Omit day names (e.g., Monday, Tuesday) and use only the date.
Months: Abbreviate Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec.; spell out all other months — April 2, 2025.
QR Codes & URLs: Accompany QR codes with their corresponding URL.

Room Numbers: Use Art Building maps for room references, e.g., the area outside the Cora Stafford Gallery doors is Art Building, Room C103.
Special Times: Use “noon” or “midnight” instead of “12 p.m.” or “12 a.m.”
Times: Express time ranges as “5–7 p.m.” — not “5 p.m. to 7 p.m.” — and always use lowercase a.m. and p.m. with periods.
Type Size: Use a type size of at least 28 points.
URLs & Email Addresses: Write them in CamelCase, e.g.,
Word Count: Minimize words whenever possible — signs rotate every eight seconds.
Year: Include the year of your event at least once somewhere in the text of your sign.

CVAD News and Views website story

Send a minimum of one color image (.jpg or .png); the larger, the better — the minimum dimensions are 330 px x 330 px. Images larger than 700kb should be compressed to upload properly.

UNT Calendar

  • Single image dimensions: 1200w x 630h pixels or larger — must be a landscape layout

UNTCVAD Facebook 

  • Single image dimensions: 1125w x 630h pixels or larger, keeping the same aspect ratio (.jpg or .png). The minimum size for type is 28 points.

UNTCVAD Instagram • New! 

  • 1080w x 1020h px (or larger with the same aspect ratio): .jpg or png. This is the minimum size and aspect ratio accepted for the CVAD Instagram posts. Note: Images of artwork depicting nudity, especially nipples, are often rejected by Meta. The minimum size for type is 28 points.


Posting is paused due to low engagement over 24 months. We refer the Twitter audience to Facebook, Instagram and the CVAD News and Views website.


The video must have open captions of the audio portions and a visual description. To meet ADA requirements, an open-captioned transcript and a Word document with visual descriptions are required. Under Title II, publicly available videos for entertainment or informational purposes must be accessible to individuals with disabilities. In addition to the video file, the following elements are necessary for a successful upload: 1) a title (no more than 100 characters), 2) a general description paragraph about what viewers can expect in each video, and 3) a visual description paragraph for the blind (2 & 3 combined cannot exceed 5,000 characters).

Note: Did you know? On average, videos with captions increase in watch time compared to videos that don’t have them. Adding captions to your videos expands your reach to a wider audience, allowing more viewers to access and enjoy your content, from those who are deaf or hard of hearing to those who prefer to watch with no or low volume. Source: YouTube: Add Subtitles and Captions

Do you need help transcribing speech to text? Try an app, such as

Send a link to your video (.mp4) from DropBox, OneDrive or another sharing platform in the text box of your news web form. Checklist for creating accessible videos.