Ian White
About: I'm a detail-oriented, human-centered designer focusing on empathy and emerging technology.
I share a belief with my fellow game developers that beyond pure function, impactful
designs need “juice,” the metric we use to define the pure fun and soul of a design,
to be memorable enough to inspire passion, and never shy away from taking full advantage
of game engines and virtual reality to tackle design problems with the under-utilized
power of immersion and interactivity. I'm eager to shake up the professional world
with a radical approach to work and play that finally makes the two indistinguishable.
What makes me curious? XR technology, interaction design, and anything you'd hear described at a conference
as “on the horizon.”
Visit me Here: LinkedIn
Speculative design for an autonomous trailer ecosystem, featuring a fully interactive demonstration of hitchless towing user scenarios in the Unity game engine.
Program in collaboration with Planet Fitness for a potential future in which antibiotics becomes inneffective. Increases overall sanitation of gym environments and influences cleanly behaviour from gym-goers with a gamified rewards system based on individual performance with individual interactive habit-tracking modules affixed to workout racks and machines.
An interactive VR exhibit that sheds light on under-represented, over-looked, or forgotten tales of gender expression and female identity. Features a uniquely immersive spatial design and allows user input to tie modern viewers to ancient stories across the shared experience of womanhood.