Korinne West

Hometown: Beaumont, Texas.
Major: Communication Design

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I'm a big fan of things that are beautiful, yet still practical—so graphic design seemed like a perfect fit for me when I began college, as I wanted to have a creative career but didn't take to the idea of being a traditional artist. My quest to get this BFA was fraught with trials and setbacks of all sorts, but that only made the end result that much more rewarding! Outside of design class, I spent my time furthering my study of music, adding a music minor and going so far as to joining a certain professional international music fraternity. (Our clarinet quartet was called Clari On My Wayward Son, and yes, we were the absolute coolest.)

When I'm not designing, at any given time you can find me reading lots of books, writing lots of books, doodling lots of fictional characters, rolling some dice with nerdy friends, and drinking probably way too much earl grey tea.

What's your designer playlist?

I've got Spotify playlists for every mood and occasion (and then some), and my designing jams are usually feel-good anthems to propel me through those sleepless nights. But perhaps the most profound thing I learned while studying Communication Design at UNT is that when I get stressed enough, I want to listen to Taylor Swift and nothing else. Honestly, can't explain that one.

Student work sample
Student work sample
Student work sample
Student work sample
Student work sample