Farrah Yoo

Hometown: S. Korea (But I was born in Oklahoma).
Major: Communication Design

I'm a Korean American who earned a B.A. in English Linguistics and English Education from S. Korea, and a B.F.A. in Communication Design from America. Studying from both countries shaped me into a multi-cultural designer who are well aware of both cultures and histories.

As a designer, I'm passionate in illustration and brand identity design. I enjoy coming up with diverse concepts and imageries to tell a story. I consider brand identity design as a root for design. Without a strong root, I believe design can fall apart easily. As an artist, I'm love pencil drawing, watercolor, oil painting and digital painting.

When I was 8, I was inspired by Japanese and Korean comic books. I fell in love with intricate line art from many comic book artists. Practicing drawing in that style influenced my design illustration style as well. When I'm not working on design, I draw my own illustrations and go out in anime convention's artist alley events to sell my art work. So far, I've been to artist alley events for 12 times, and I will continue participating in it in the future!

How will your classmates remember you?

Student work sample
Student work sample
  • Student work sample