Share News, Request Marketing Services
Students, staff, faculty and alumni may send CVAD-related news or request marketing services.
Note: These services and media are not open to entities external to the UNT or the UNT College of Visual Arts and Design. Please contact the UNT Division of University Brand Strategy and Communications for information about advertising to UNT students, faculty, staff and alumni.
Steps to share your news or request CVAD Marketing services
We prioritize current or upcoming news stories. Please provide at least seven to 10 business days before your anticipated publication date.
Step 1
Email, attaching your images and complete information about your news, event or other request, date, time, place, etc. Be sure to include the date you want your request fulfilled.
If you have images: Follow the image and video requirements. Attach your images (.jpg, .png) or a text document (.docx or .rtf) to the email.
Services provided for CVAD Students, Staff, Faculty and Alumni
- Adding your news and images to CVAD News and Views as an article, a News in Brief or a Friends of CVAD e-newsletter entry
- Promoting your news to the UNT Division of University Brand Strategy and Communications for news with a broader appeal
- Adding your event to the CVAD Upcoming Events calendar
- Reviewing CVAD materials for UNT and CVAD branding compliance before publication
- Posting to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, the ID Blog and the 16 Art Building digital signs
- Updating CVAD or UNT websites — Heidi Strobel's approval must be attached for all academic or catalog-related information updates.
- Website Updates: If you're submitting a request for a web page update, addition or change, view the Website Update Guidance.
- Providing photography support, copies of photos, etc. Photo appointments depend on the photographer's availability.