Share News, Request Marketing Services

Students, staff, faculty and alumni may send CVAD-related news or request marketing services. 

Important: These services and media are not open to entities external to UNT or the UNT College of Visual Arts and Design. Please contact the UNT Division of University Brand Strategy and Communications for information about advertising to UNT students, faculty, staff and alumni.

NOTICE: Please provide at least seven to 10 business days  before your anticipated or requested publication date. This advance notice helps ensure that requests are managed efficiently without disrupting current priorities and requests submitted before yours. 

Steps to share your news or request CVAD Marketing services

Step 1

Email with "REQUEST" as the first word of your subject line, followed by the topic.

REQUEST: [name of department/office], [topic or type of service needed]
REQUEST: Studio Art, news story, digital signs and social media posts

Attach your images, Word documents, etc., and include complete information about your news, event or other request, including the suggested headline, event information, such as date, time, place, and names of the participants.

Important: Please extract pertinent information from any links you may have; do not send links for Marketing to research or to curate the news.

  • Include the date you want your request fulfilled, such as "Deadline: [insert a date]."
  • For updates to web pages, please include the URL of the page(s) to be edited. Then, copy the page content to a Word document and track changes to indicate what needs to be edited.
  • For updates to academic content on the website: first, route your proposed changes to Dr. Heidi Strobel,; once she approves them, she will send them to Marketing. Note: All videos must be approved by Dr. Strobel before they can be uploaded.

Images & Video Requirements

If you have images or video, follow the image and video requirements on the CVAD Technical Specifications pageAttach your images (.jpg, .png, .mp4 or .tiff) or a text document (.docx or .rtf) to the email. All videos for the CVAD websites must be approved by Dr. Strobel before they will be uploaded.

In your REQUEST email, state what services you're requesting!

Services provided for CVAD Students, Staff, Faculty and Alumni

  • News content and images.
  • News to the UNT Division of University Brand Strategy and Communications for news with a broader appeal.
  • Addition to the CVAD Upcoming Events calendar
  • Review for UNT and CVAD branding compliance before publication.
  • Placement of paid advertising with funds (chart string) you provide.
  • Post to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, the ID Blog and 12 of the Art Building digital signs. 
  • Updating or other UNT websites — first, route your request to Heidi Strobel, associate dean for academic and student affairs, before sending it to CVAD Marketing.
    • Dr. Strobel will send the approved update to Marketing. Updates to faculty and staff directory pages, do not require Dr. Strobel's review or approval; send those directly to
    • Website Updates: If you're submitting a request for a web page update, addition or change on the academic website, view the Website Update Guidance.
  • Photography support — photo appointments depend on the photographer's availability.
  • Third-party videography in the Art Building from the Division of University Brand Strategy and Communications and the Office of General Counsel.
  • Other: Need something else not listed here? Please describe the marketing support you're requesting.
