Share News, Request Marketing Services

Students, staff, and faculty: Share your CVAD-related news or request marketing services using the web form on this page. Alumni are welcome to share updates through the Alumni Update form.

Note: These services and media are not open to external entities to the UNT College of Visual Arts and Design. Please contact the UNT Division of University Brand Strategy and Communications for information about advertising to UNT students, faculty, staff and alumni.

Steps to share your news or request CVAD Marketing services

Fill in the blank fields of this simple web form. Need help? Contact with your questions. 

Website Updates: If you're submitting a request for a web page update, addition or change, view the Website Update Guidance.

We prioritize current or upcoming news stories. Please provide at least seven to 10 business days before your anticipated publication date

Use of All Capital Letters: Please do not use all caps in your text on top of your art or images. Online, all caps are considered yelling at people who are visually impaired, blind and sighted. For emphasis, consider using bold, larger lettering or a different color.

Step 1

Fill in the blanks of this web form, enter your text in the box titled "What's the News?" and click Submit. Image Description: Use the web form's text box for your accompanying text. Please include the required placard for artwork or image identification information.

CVAD tombstone format for artworks, Line 1: name of artist, year of birth (optional), Line 2: name of exhibit, year it was made, Line 3: materials/media of the work or design, Line 4: dimensionsStep 2

Important: Follow the image and video requirements

At the end of this web form, upload your images (.jpg, .png) or a text document (.docx or .rtf): by logging in with your EUID and password. Then, upload your files in the accepted sizes to fit the media for your message.


Photography Sessions

In the text box, please describe the photos you are requesting and where they will be used — for print or digital media. An email appointment will be sent to the email address on this web form to confirm the appointment. All images will be shared on OneDrive, and you will be notified when they are available.
Appointments: Sessions are booked in 30-minute increments. When requesting a photo session, please keep in mind the following availability of our photographers.
Photographer 1: Monday, Wednesday: 8 a.m.–10 a.m.  |  Tuesday, Thursday: 2–5 p.m.  |  Friday: By special request 
Photographer 2: M: 8 a.m.–Noon and 6–8 p.m. | W: 2–8 p.m. | TTh: 8–10:30 a.m. | 5–8 p.m. | F, S and Su: Available

Other times will be considered case-by-case to work around our photographers' class schedules and other bookings.

Request for Services Web Form

Please enter the date for publication allowing seven to 10 business days. News older than 30 days will not be accepted. If this is urgent, please send an email to >> << with a message addressing the urgency.
Indicate here which service(s) you are requesting.
Please write a draft or provide bulleted information here for your article, social media post or directory/faculty web page — OR, attached an .rtf or Word document. Describe the images and audio for people who are blind and or deaf. Be sure to indicate preferred pronouns. For website content updates to academic program pages, please indicate the name of the director, chair AND associate dean who approved your change request and the date you received their OK. Higher approval is not needed for faculty, staff or grad student directory/faculty web page changes. Please consider the value of your news, such as how it supports the mission of CVAD and informs current or prospective students as well as faculty, staff, alumni and other CVAD stakeholders.
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
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