Machaela Reagan

About Me: My path into the world of UX Design was an unplanned one, as what I thought I was going to do for the rest of my life was graphic design. I'm happy to say that since discovering the world of UX Design, I've never looked back - and happily look forward to an exciting and unknown journey in this field!

Truly good design can not only make people's lives at large more enjoyable, but it can solve real problems that have life changing results. This is what I love the most about this field and I'm looking forward to solving these real world problems in tangible ways. In an ever changing world that becomes more saturated with technology, I want to create truly empathetic design that seeks to help humanity, rather than harm it.
My time at the UX Program at UNT has been nothing short of incredible. The faculty actually care about prepping us for careers, and have prepped us for the world in more ways than one. My peers have been fun, encouraging, and push me to create genuine work. I love the comradery we've shared over the past four years. 

I hope my excitement for the future is evident, and that you enjoyed learning just a bit about me!

What is your go to phrase as a designer?
Whenever I have tech problems, I find myself going back to the ever quotable and ever wise Professor Gibson's favorite phrase - “C'mon, Macintosh!”. Somehow, it makes the problem seem more tolerable. 

Black, white, and grey infographic posters detailing how human traffickers can use social media

Human Trafficking Infographic Posters (2022)


Desktop and phone screens displaying a product extension for Rosetta Stone, where it teaches real world ESL for refugees

Rosetta Stone - ESL Product Extension (2021)