Lasamy Sarawichitri

Major: Communication Design, User Interaction

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My personal design philosophy references design-thinking. Starting with empathizing to correctly define a problem before designing and iterating, this identifies the core idea of UX for me. More than just something pretty, UX design aims to solve problems. With every project having unique needs, I believe understanding how to apply and adapt design-thinking to projects is key to a successful project.

Three smartphone screens depict designs of interfaces for the “Bottom's Up” app; these each showcase ways to mix drinks


A laptop computer screen depicts an illustration of a small car on a two-lane road with a circle appearing behind the car


Three smartphone screens depict designs of interfaces for the “Recyclar” app; each of these uses text and images to teach people about reducing daily waste


A smartphone screen, an interactive tablet, and a laptop screen depict variations of the “Rehabilitation not Recidivism” app