Marianna Seaton
Hometown: Highland Villge, Texas
"Golden Anecdoche" is a multidisciplinary body of artworks emerging from the imagined
life of a cardboard box. Using the box as a symbol for what is used, forgotten, and
destroyed, I envision geographic expeditions of the landscape asking the boxes to
tell a story of their journey. Starting with the box as a temporary tool, I use my
art-making to wonder what the box can say about disposability, the unconscious, and
how our economic habits contribute to often destructive pathways of worldwide commerce.
Cardboard boxes travel the globe; I imagine what torrent stories they might tell if
given voice.
"Elegy For Remembrance and Shrouded Out Loud," 2021
Various sizes
Exhibition image of a corner area in a gallery. Two graphite drawings are on the left wall. A plaster sculpture that resembles stacks of boxes and or newspapers tied with twine sits on the floor. A large rectangular piece on the large wall is constructed from smaller pieces of manilla paper and has a grid of red and brown rectangular shapes.
"Drawings in a Box," 2021
Graphite on paper
11 x 9 in. each
Four framed rectangular graphite drawings on white paper hang next to one another in a gallery. Similar rectangular shapes appear in each composition, with lines and textures drawn across the surface.
"A Hole Is To Dig," 2020
Graphite on paper
60 x 126 in.
This is a large 2D graphite drawing on paper with abstract shapes that resemble bricks and negative shapes like deconstructed boxes.