Loren Jones

Loren Jones, black-and-white portrait, man with a beard, smiling, looking upward

Hometown: Jacksboro, Texas
Wonder is the initial emotion that precipitates the fundamental questions, “Why is it here,” “What is its purpose” or “How do I interact with it.” The work that I enjoy producing has always held a thread of fantasy and awe. The worlds that encompass my childhood and beyond have been made manifest through my larger-than-life sculptures. Through the use of increased scale, my work alters the audience's perception of the object from utilitarian and historical to an object that inspires wonder.

Hammer and Axe

"Hammer and Axe," 2018
Axe: 12 ft.; hammer: 11 ft.

Photograph of two large steel sculptures on a grassy area by a driveway. In the foreground, the axe stands with decorative elements on the handle and double blades resting on a metal foundation. In the rear is the hammer that appears to be partially in the ground. Both sculptures lean at an angle.  

The Hammer

"The Hammer," 2018
132 x 24 x 132 in.

Detail shot of the welded design on a large steel hammer. One flat rectangle has two perpendicular pieces crossing it. On top of these are nine black squares welded at similar intervals.

Flail Model

"Flail Model," 2020
Steel, 3D printed resin, wood
12 x 5 x 13 in.

A small-scale model of a sculptural flail. This weapon has a metal handle resting on a flat metal foundation with a length of chain connecting to a sharp-edged beater at the top. The welded parts appear to be in motion.