Loc Huynh
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Through painting, I use materiality to describe the material world. By rooting my
practice in visual culture and art history, I seek to extend the meaning of images
beyond their initial form. The coalescing of opposing and complementary formal elements
accentuate the visual and contextual friction. This allows the work to exist in an
ambiguous state. Seen together, my works appear disparate, but they suggest alternative
meanings through association with one another. The works can exist on their own but
engage in dialogue when juxtaposed against each other. Although about specific occurrences,
the works afford the viewer their own interpretations.
Website: LocHuynhArt.com
"Weird and Isolated," 2020
Acrylic on canvas
67 x 89 in.
Painting using vibrant colors and flattened shapes depicts a view into a window where a person in a t-shirt stands. An empty hanger hangs in a closet to the right of the figure.
"The Embrace (Electric Blue)," 2019
Acrylic on canvas
48 x 48 in.
Abstract painting using geometric shapes of a couple embracing. Shapes and colors create flat spaces. The smiling figure facing the viewer has hot pink arms that employ color modeling to depict a cylindrical shape.
"Exile," 2020
Acrylic on canvas
48 x 60 in.
Painting of an exterior building with a lit window. In the window, a silhouetted figure is visible. All shapes are single-colored, which makes them appear flat.