Jihye Han
Hometown: Busan, South Korea
Using clay and found materials I explore aesthetic notions and create abstract narratives
within the context of belonging and displacement through sculptural installations.
I use symbolism to analyze the duality between tangible and intangible spatial relationships.
My work draws from personal experiences and my Korean heritage; I use physical processes
to investigate diverse facets of perception in order to broaden emotional, physical
and cultural understandings of the human experience. My work uses abstraction and
ambiguity to confuse the viewer and blur boundaries and categories to avoid stereotypes
of race and gender.
Website: JihyeHanArt.com
"Journey to the West (detail)," 2021
White stoneware, plastic zip tie
26 x 26 in.
Detail of a larger piece with ceramic rectangles held together by brightly colored zip ties; these hang on a white wall. The rectangles are painted white with black line drawings of people, buildings, and bicycle wheels. Blots of color accompany the drawings.
"11009km (installation image)," 2021
Clay, wood, vinyl
A white wooden cart constructed with wheels sits on a wooden gallery floor. The floor has a simulated railroad track made from black tape crossing it from left to right. The cart has asymmetrical, open sides designed from dowels and strips of wood. Other rolling structures sit in the background.
"11009km (video still)," 2021
Clay, wood, vinyl
This still frame from a video shows the artist placing white plaster objects onto an L-shaped white wooden cart in a gallery. The plaster objects resemble folded cloths.