Lara Rishdi Asam

Lara Asam, black and white photo, young woman with curly long hair

Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Lara Asam's work explores intimacy, control, social behaviors, restriction, and transformation. She explores the visible and invisible boundaries of public and private interaction that define social dynamics. The architectural elements in her work allude to Islamic architecture through form and pattern, and when worn, become extensions of the body. Her wearable objects seem to attract, repel, as well as enhance connections or separations. Her installation work creates liminal spaces of transitions and thresholds. By playing with various layers of visibility and restricting movement and spatial distance, she addresses beauty and cruelty, intimacy and isolation, and desire and touch.

Threshold (detail)

"Thresholds (detail)," 2021
Wood, fabric, acrylic, monofilament, resin

Detail view of a dark green laser-cut screen. Negative shapes within the screen create stars, flowers, and hearts.

Thresholds (installation)

"Thresholds (installation)," 2021
Wood, fabric, acrylic, monofilament, resin
Variable sizes

This installation view of an exhibition shows multiple laser-cut screens of various sizes in wood and acrylic. Green, turquoise blue, clear, and gold screens are mounted on the walls and hang from the ceiling on monofilament lines. 

Thresholds (detail)

"Thresholds (detail)," 2021
Wood, fabric, acrylic, monofilament, resin
Variable sizes

This shows a group of multiple laser-cut screens in blue, clear and gold acrylic. The variously sized wall-mounted screens have shadows projected on the white wall from gallery lighting.