Pracheeta Chordia
What is your design aesthetic? It's difficult to place my design aesthetic under a specific style or look, but I create my designs emphasizing storytelling and creating connections. As a designer, I'm fascinated by the relationship between people and the spaces around us, and my design process is driven by my exploration of that relationship. I believe that good, effective design is based on an understanding of the culture and experiences of the communities it serves. I strive to create spaces that feel both inclusive and welcoming, diverse and personal.
What interior design sector are you most interested in pursuing in your career? My goal with interior design has always been to create spaces that foster connection and community, both to each other and the environment around us. I hope to accomplish this by focusing on experiential design and sustainability. By combining research findings with my design skills, I aim to create evidence-based designs that are engaging, interactive, and dynamic. I am particularly interested in designing aesthetically pleasing and environmentally conscious experiences for hospitality, retail, and cultural institutions. Through my work, I hope to create lasting impressions, promote human well-being, and contribute to a more sustainable future.
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