Michelle Gilbert

Michelle Gilbert, portrait, black and white

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Project Industry: Residential

Favorite quote: "People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day" - A.A. Milne, "Winnie-the-Pooh"

I've always been drawn to all things that are art-related because I grew up in a community that allowed me to express myself artistically. From an early age, I have always been an artist and my mom, being an artist too, probably made me want to become one. Even more, I vividly remember my first “good drawing.” I was in art class, and we were asked to try to draw a portrait from a photograph, after that my teacher came up to me and said, “This is an excellent drawing.” I remember being so proud of myself and going back home and showing it to my parents, and they were proud, too; that was the beginning of my art career. Over the years, I have dabbled in many art forms, from sculpture to drawing and painting, photography, and now interior design. I am a painter through and through, and it was always something I was good at, and I found it incredibly fun and fulfilling. It was my forever love until the day I saw my first architectural plan, and let me tell you, as someone who loves detailing, it was terrific and wanted to recreate that. So, here I am, an interior design student getting ready to graduate and begin my interior design career, hopefully, my architecture career. Please wish me lots of luck. I will need it. And to my forever love, painting, I am sorry.

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Slide 1: Affordable housing in Nigeria, an interior image looking into the lobby of the building.

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Slide 2: Project information: Te project is in Lagos, Nigeria; The industry type is affordable residential housing; The focus areas are local community, prospect and refuge theory, and Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The form givers are social, economic, and cultural; The baseline standards are the Nigerian national building code.

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Slide 3: Concept statement including descriptions of Lagos, Nigeria, a floorplan, what makes a home affordable, and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

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More information about the floorplan and how I incorporated Maslow's hierarchy of needs and the prospect and refuge theory into the project.

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3D perspectives of the lobby, recreation room, computer room, unit one bedroom and bathroom, living room, and a dining area.