Miyajae Vale

Miyajae Vale, portrait, black and white
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Hello! My name is Miyajae Vale, and yes that is just my first name and no there is no specific origin. Craft and all things eco-friendly are passions of mine, and as I got older, I developed a fascination for organization and storage. Interior design was a way for me to stay creative in multiple medias, learn about sustainability on a whole other level that I had no idea about and incorporate my wants and needs of putting everything into a container. The past four years of my life have taken place at UNT in the DFW area, and it has been such an intense experience which has allowed me to grow as a creative being.

On a “more about me” level, I am also into stretching, gardening, arts and crafts, dog parenting, and hippie culture. Thank you to my friends, family, and therapist for being supportive throughout my college career!

Favorite memory in the Interior Design program.

In my second semester freshman year during the Intro to Interior Design course, Bruce Nacke was giving a lecture and decided to stick his hand between a partition wall with the white board and the actual room wall (which happened to be very dusty and dirty). Immediately after, he pulled his hand back and said “oh ew, maybe I shouldn't have done that…”.

  • Project overview - Minties, Italian Kitchen & Bar
    Project overview - Minties, Italian Kitchen & Bar
  • History and design theories
    History and design theories
  • Existing and proposed plans
    Existing and proposed plans
  • Entry way and Kitchen plans
    Entry way and Kitchen plans
  • Dining booths and dining & bar space designs
    Dining booths and dining & bar space designs
  • Reference links
    Reference links