Paulina Grant

Hi, I am Paulina Grant and I am originally from a small town in Wyoming. As a child, I was always drawn toward all things art and was involved in everything I could get my hands on. I developed a passion for drawing, painting, and pottery and was always finding a new way to express my creativity. After graduating from a community college back home, I decided to take a chance and invest in my dreams by moving out to Texas by myself, to a town I'd never visited. The past four years have shaped me into the person I am today-a determined, a goal-driven designer that enjoys challenges and the opportunity to learn wherever I go. In the Summer of 2020, I was lucky enough to have two internships in Salt Lake City, Utah, where I worked for residential and healthcare designers. My experience working with VA designers made me realize the need for improved designs tailored toward our country's veterans. After graduating, I am looking forward to starting my career in Interior Design and can't wait to see where the next adventure takes me. I will forever be grateful for the memories and lifelong friends I've made at UNT.
Favorite memory in the Interior Design Program?
My favorite memory is from the Drawing for Interior Design class, where I ended up meeting my best friends. When we were trying to get into the program, it was so amazing to me to see a bunch of strangers who were going through one of the hardest semesters of their college careers, coming together to help each other, cry together, and support one another in our pursuits. In the end, we grew together not only as designers but as people. Going through this process made us stronger and taught me the importance of having great people on your team.