Cameron Marr
About: Although my strengths lean more towards visual design and digital user interface
+ web development, I feel much more incentive to be involved with human-centered design
in the context of organizational and social change. My ultimate aspiration would be
to combine user experience design and anthropological research methodologies through
a niche system of coordinating the “design of research” for investigative political
journalism or global human rights nonprofit organizations engaged in policy implementation.
I want the work that I do to provide new opportunities for people to realize that
the possibilities of their own decisions take on a lasting impact somehow for someone
What makes me curious? Diplomatic strategizing to communicate with people of differing experiences, customs,
languages, and perspectives is my driving force in UX design. Constant innovative
but concrete answers to complex and ever-shifting challenges with the design of our
surroundings require the inclusion of everyone, especially those who are typically
excluded, misunderstood, or disregarded.
Website: Cam Marr
A variety of research design work restructuring Human Rights Watch reports to be more aesthetically appealing, accessible, and conducive.
Typographic digital + print rebranding of merchandise and label of Lil Uzi Vert "LUV Eternal Atake".
An Italian Futurist manifesto exhibition educating through striking graphic visuals and fluid layout organization to help negate language barriers.
An optimistic, interactive constellation that maps and explores the stories of various
generations of designers to inspire future designers.