Ashley Roy

Hometown: Round Rock, Texas.
Major: Communication Design

Visit Me Here  |  Twitter  |  Behance

Hey, hello. My name is Ashley Roy and I have a passion for typography and packaging. I enjoy cooking, baking and crafting in my free time. Believe it or not, painting is what got me into graphic design and I have truly found what I want to do with my life! I have always been a creative problem solver, and by using the design thinking skills I have learned, along with lots of hard work and determination I can tackle any problem. My dream job is designing fun snack packaging, but I would be right at home in a branding studio giving companies a fresh identity that works best for them.

To the 2020 comm design grads and the professors who helped us get here: thanks for all the memories. This has been the greatest experience of my life and I can't wait to see where it leads me next!

What is your go-to phrase in this program/life?

“I don't hate it,” “I've looked at this too long,” or quietly narrating everything I do to myself/friends.

Student work sample
Student work sample
Student work sample
Student work sample
Student work sample