Chelsea Miller

Hometown: Cleburne, Texas.
Major: Communication Design

Visit Me Here

My name is Chelsea Miller, I originally came to UNT to be a painter but stumbled into the design program knowing nothing about design. I do think that coming from a studio background shaped my approach and process to design, also making me a bitmap queen and lover of all textures. I think I will always be a painter at heart but design has helped mold me into the artist and creative thinker that I am today. Outside of design I am a very extroverted gal and love spending time outside hiking, camping, and the occasional beer at my favorite patio in Denton, Eastside. I love classic rock and am obsessed with Led Zeppelin and Stone Temple Pilots, in another world, I would shred the guitar and be a rockstar. However, I am still pretty excited to see where I end up as an artist and designer.

What I learned about myself during the 2020 pandemic:

1. That even when staying at home with nothing but homework to do, I still struggle with time managing.

2. Everyone will be fat this Summer so the personality I've been working on the past 24 years is finally gonna come in handy.

3. Toilet paper shortage is scary.

Student work sample
Student work sample
Student work sample
Student work sample
Student work sample