Summer Stark

Hometown: Austin, Texas.
Major: Communication Design

Visit Me Here  |  Instagram

I am the type of person who will 10/10 buy a product based on good packaging alone. I love anything with playful colors and bold patterns. Design preferences? Definitely branding and packaging over all other design fields. Besides design, I am a huge fan of Game of Thrones, horseback riding, and attending concerts.

If you were an animal, which would you be and why?

As much as I want to say like a lioness or something majestic and fierce, let's be real; I am a cockatoo. Part of it has to do with my coif of hair that when at peak volume reminds people of the bird plumage. I am also loud occasionally, and at times, very smart. So yeah, a cockatoo.

Student work sample
Student work sample
Student work sample
Student work sample
Student work sample