Joshua Norvelle

Hometown: Burleson, Texas.
Major: Communication Design

Visit Me Here  |  Behance&

I am a graphic designer, front-end developer, and career student. I love trying and learning new things and am constantly amazed at all the wonderful things this world has to offer.

I have been interested in both graphic design and web development since I was 13, back when you had to structure the whole site in tables. These interests lead me to study at TSTC in Waco, Texas because of their hands on approach, which was great.

After graduating there with an AAS in graphic design and an AAS in web development, my journey took me to study Communication Design at UNT in Denton, Texas. Deciding to come to UNT was probably the best decision in my life. It has been an amazing journey that has helped me excel in ways I never thought possible. (Dictated. Not read.)

What's your spirit animal and why?

My spirit animal is David Hasselhoff. Does this need an explanation?

  • Student work sample
  • Student work sample
  • Student work sample
  • Student work sample
  • Student work sample