Eric R. Cuellar
I'm THE non-traditional student in the program amongst my friends here. Prior to UNT I earned a degree in Political Science at UT-San Antonio, and then worked in the National Archives Presidential Library system for eight years gaining a strong knowledge of data analysis and information management. However, I've always had a talent and passion to create and think creatively. And after helping my friends brand and develop a sports website for our alma mater, I knew I had to merge my knowledge of information and passion for creative thinking - leading to this crazy trip called Comm Des at UNT and making a career change into UX/UI design.
Simply put, I'm walking away from this program ready and eager to design for sports, or help government and historical institutions in the digital world. I also like dogs. I'm thinking about getting one soon. The previous sentences along with this one have been added merely for word count. I'm hoping my professors don't read this. Or, maybe they do read it and realize I'm not just a grumpy and tired design student, but someone with a sense of humor. And that just about makes 200 words. I think.
What's on your designer playlist?
Anything and everything, depending on what I'm working on. In a given night, I can go from jazz to metal to hip-hop to country to classical, all while traveling through time from the Tin Pan Alley sound to Mo-town and the crazy vibes of the 60s, then finally land in my world of the 90s. But mostly Katy Perry.