Graphic Design USA recognizes UNT College of Visual Arts and Design as a “2024 Top Design School” — again!


Hepi Wachter smiling, short hair, glasses, coat and tie
Hepi Wachter, Chair, Design Department

We are thrilled to share that Graphic Design USA, GDUSA, has recognized the UNT CVAD Graphic Design Program as an outstanding design program on a national level for the third consecutive year, said Hepi Wachter, chair of the Department of Design.

GDUSA compiles a list of the best graphic design schools and programs annually. These programs excel in teaching essential skills, nurturing talent, and preparing the next generation of creatives for successful careers. 

The selections encompass venerable institutions dedicated to art and design, notable university departments, programs, majors, and innovative online or hybrid programs catering to graduate, undergraduate, or continuing education students. This curated list is based on objective and subjective factors, shaped by longstanding relationships with designers, educators, hiring managers, and recruiters. The schools are alphabetically listed with a national scope, highlighting a central theme of growth — personal, professional, and societal.

Congratulations to the faculty of the Communication Design: Graphic Design program: Whitney Holden, lecturer and program coordinator, Erica Holeman, assistant professor, Eric Ligon, university distinguished professor, alum and senior associate dean for CVAD administrative affairs, Douglas May, associate professor and alum, David Wolske, associate professor, and Stephen Zhang, assistant professor and alum.

#UNTCVAD #DesignSchool #TopDesignSchool #GDUSA 

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UNT is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design, 11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 21, Reston, VA 20190-5248, phone: 703-437-0700; fax: 703-437-6312; email: