An array of dots and dashes of color that spell CVAD in Morse Code

Fall leaves piled on a wooden bench

Plan ahead for registration! Visit the Office of the Registrar's web page to see when you may register. Topics vary each semester. Interdisciplinary and inter-media approaches to art-making. Courses offer an integrated, multidimensional approach to art-making.

Studio Art Interdisciplinary Rotating Topics

STU 3000.501 / 5000.501
Mondays / Wednesdays, 11 a.m.–1:50 p.m., Art Building, Room 258
Instructor: Amie Adelman

ASTU 3000.506 / 5000.506
Mondays / Wednesdays, 2–4:50 p.m., Art Building, Room 258
Instructor: Amie Adelman

ASTU 3000.502 / 5000.502
Construction and Craftsmanship for the Artist
Monday / Wednesday, 11 AM – 1:50 PM, Art Building, Room 466
Instructor: James Burton

ASTU 3000.504 / 5000.504
Special Projects in Sculpture
Mondays / Wednesdays 2–4:50 pm, Art Building, Room 153
Instructor: Tamara Johnson

ASTU 3000.507 / 5000.507
Metalsmithing & Jewelry: Textile Techniques
Tuesdays / Thursdays, 2–4:50 pm, Art Building, Room 172
Instructor: Umut Demirgüç-Thurman

ASTU 3000.509 / 3201.502 / 5000.509
Drawing and Sculpting the Head
Tuesdays / Thursdays, 2–4:50 pm, Art Building, Room 466
Instructor: Christian Fagerlund

ASTU 3105.501 / 5000.503
Material Studies
Monday / Wednesday, 11 AM–1:50 PM, Art Annex, Room 135
Instructor: Brooks Oliver

ASTU 3201.501
Drawing & Painting: Temporality
Tuesdays / Thursdays, 11 am–1:50 pm, Art Building, Room 258
Instructor: Nicole Foran

ASTU 3401.501
Intermediate Metalsmithing & Jewelry: Contemporary Incorporation of Historic Inspirations
Monday / Wednesday, 2–4:50 PM, Art Building, Room 172
Instructor: James Thurman

ASTU 3601.501 / 4600.501
Printmaking: Intermediate and Advanced Screenprinting
Tuesday/Thursday 8–10:50 AM, Art Building, Room 275
Instructor: Andrew DeCaen

ASTU 3701.501
New Media: Artificial Intelligence
Tuesdays / Thursdays, 11 am–1:50 pm, Art Building, Room 356
Instructor: Christopher Meerdo

Art History Rotating Topics

Summer 5W1

Theories of Contemporary Art
ARTH 4814.001
MTWR 11 am-12:50 pm, ART 288
Dr. Patricia Stout

Topics in Architecture and Design: Skyscraper Stories
ARTH 4845.001
MW 1-4:50 pm, ART 280
Dr. Paula Lupkin

Summer 5W2

Topics in Medieval Art: Medieval Monsters
ARTH 4805.001
MW 1-4:50 pm, ART 280
Dr. Layla Seale

Topics in Art History: Modern and Contemporary Brazilian Art
ARTH 4801.001
MTWR 11 am-12:50 pm, ART 288
Dr. Patricia Stout

Fall 2024

Methodologies in the History of Art and Visual Culture
ARTH 4800.001
W 12:30-3:20 pm, ART 280
Dr. Jennifer Way

Women Artists: Medieval to Modern
ARTH 4801.003
TR 11 am-12:20 pm, ART 288
Dr. Layla Seale

Art of Ancient Rome
ARTH 4803.001
TR 9:30am-10:50am, ART 280
Dr. Neville McFerrin

Topics in 17th-Century Art
ARTH 4807.001
F 11 am-1:50 pm, ART 288
Dr. Kelly Donahue-Wallace

Modernism and the Visual Arts, 1890-1945
ARTH 4812.001
TR 2-3:30 pm, ART 288
Dr. Kurt Rahmlow

Postmodernism and the Visual Arts, 1945-Present
ARTH 4813.001
MW 3:30-4:50 pm, ART 288
Dr. Tiffany Floyd

Postmodernism and the Visual Arts, 1945-Present
ARTH 4813.003
TR 3:30-4:50 pm, ART 288
Dr. Kurt Rahmlow

Theories of Contemporary Art
ARTH 4814.001
MW 5-6:20 pm, ART 288
Dr. Tiffany Floyd

Topics in Latin American Art: History of Mexican Art
ARTH 4818.002
MW 11 am-12:20 pm, ART 280
Dr. Mónica Salazar

Topics in Islamic and/or Middle Eastern Art
ARTH 4825.001
MW 2-3:20 pm, ART 288
Dr. Nada Shabout

Historic Interiors: Design and Experience
ARTH 4841.001
TR 3:30-4:50 pm, ART 223
Dr. Paula Lupkin

History of Photography
ARTH 4843.420
Dr. Mónica Salazar

Art History Senior Seminar: Gender and Design, 1850-Today
ARTH 4848.001
M 12:30-3:20, ART 280
Dr. Carey Gibbons

Dress and Fashion in the Early Modern Period
ARTH 4849.001
TR 12:30-1:50 pm, ART 280
Dr. Neville McFerrin