An array of dots and dashes of color that spell CVAD in Morse Code

Join visitor experience professionals to learn about best practices, connect with peers, and discuss the challenges of working with modern and contemporary art collections.

Nasher Sculpture Garden signAs a part of its 20th-anniversary celebration, the Nasher Sculpture Center will host a Visitor Experience Symposium for art professionals in Texas-based arts institutions.

May 15, 2023, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Nasher Sculpture Center
2001 Flora St., Dallas, 75201
$15 for students, including lunch

The keynote address and Q&A session feature Felice Cleveland, director of Learning and Engagement at the Contemporary Arts Museum of Houston.

Panel topics will explore the post-pandemic visitor, championing diversity, equity, accessibility and inclusion experiences, the challenges of engaging diverse guests in modern and contemporary collections, and more.