Christopher Sperandio, associate professor at Rice University in Houston, will talk about comics making
and comics research. In 2015, Sperandio established the Comic Art Teaching and Study
Workshop, a hybrid research/study/production space dedicated to comics. Sperandio's
new book, "THIS YEAR IS NEXT YEAR'S LAST YEAR," has just been published by kuš!, a
leading alternative publisher based in Riga, Latvia.
Nov. 13, 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Willis Library, Room 250H
1506 W. Highland St., Denton, TX 76201
In-person and Zoom
Rice University Comic Art Teaching & Study Workshop. CATS (Comic Art Teaching and Study Workshop) is a research space and annex classroom for Studio Art based in the Department of
Art at Rice University. It’s a repository for original comic art and books available
to students, faculty and guests of the Department of Art. CATS has over 2,400 pieces
of original comic art from Mexico dating from the mid-1960s through the mid-1970s.
These works were featured in a traveling exhibition entitled Between Love and Madness:
Mexican Comic Art from the 1970s, held in Berlin, Houston and Chicago.
This event is sponsored by the UNT Libraries and Comics Studies at UNT — a diverse collaboration of faculty, staff, students, creators, and comics fans in the UNT community.
Follow the UNT Comics Studies Blog for more info.
Questions: Email John Martin,