Intern Interview: Kara Pletcher

Kara standing with her hand on her hip, blonde hair, black top, green pants

Interdisciplinary Art and Design Studies with a minor in Journalism.

What is the organization where you're interning?
I am a graphic design intern for the Allen Americans Professional Hockey Club.

Your favorite part of the internship?
My favorite part of the internship is working during game nights; it is fun and exciting because it is not the typical 9 to 5 job. I interact with fans and help them have a memorable hockey game experience.

 What is something that surprised you about your internship/field?
I was very surprised that I got to have the freedom to make graphics from scratch instead of using a template. I had free will to create things straight from my brain and could collaborate with other interns. 

The most important thing you've realized/learned during this internship?
The most important thing I learned during my internship was to be professional and grow my communication skills to address the front-office team members and companies that sponsored us. It helped me mature as a student and individually.  

Do you feel like choosing your major has been helpful in preparation for this internship and your future career in the field?
My major has many different career fields you can go into; it was the perfect fit for allowing me to learn in different fields of art and design. I could use many skills I learned through my courses within my internship. 

Is there advice you’d give to others searching for an internship? 
For those searching for an internship, I recommend using all the resources you can get. It would be very helpful for someone to look over your resume and help you build a cover letter. It is also a good idea to have mock interviews before the real ones to calm your nerves.