Intern Interview: José Narvaez

Jose facing forward, wearing glasses, short black hair
Major - Studio Art with a concentration in Photography and a Minor in Art History

What is the name of the organization where you're interning?
Kinfolk House

What is your favorite part of the internship?
My favorite part of the internship was how at home I felt; not only was everyone extremely welcoming and friendly, but I wasn't just an intern; I became part of a family that supported me throughout the school year and continues to support me after my internship.

Something that surprised you about your internship/field?
How many people I would be able to be connected and how much networking goes on at gallery events or openings.

Do you feel like choosing your major has been helpful in preparation for this internship and your future career in the field?
The choice of my major did help me to be prepared as I had a small background in the art world and had some knowledge of different artists. Yet it was very new to me, and it took a lot of extra researching about local artists and different mediums to fully give it my all and be successful in helping around the gallery.

Did the Career Center or your Career Coach provide you with resources for obtaining this internship? 
My career coach, Marcy Bishop, more than anyone, helped me see the resources that are around me. She helped me use those resources to obtain this internship. Before meeting with her, I had no clue where to start or who to ask about interning.

Any advice you’d give to others searching for an internship? 
My advice for others is to email people; most of the internships aren't going to be on a poster somewhere. Email the people who work where you want to intern; let them know you are a student and see if they're open to interns or what process they have to acquire them. If you want it, you'll have to look for it.