Madi with long dark brown hair, round glasses, and a red, black, and white shirt

Madeline "Madi" Herrera

Program: M.F.A. in Studio Art: Printmaking
Expected graduation: 2025
Art Annex, Studio 121F


Sculptural arms made of papier mâché that are connected by paper ropes hanging in a white corner area with pipes and lighting at the top.

“Weigh down all of you,” 2023| 
Papier mâché cast 
150 x 88 inches 

A tomb-shaped wooden box with stars frames a dark, red-gloved hand inside of it. Red twine hangs from the hand.

“That which permeates,” 2023 
Hand-dyed papier mâché cast, thread, and wood reliquary.  
14 x 7 x 5 inches