Amy Griffin has brown hair, wearing a black dress

Amy Griffin

1988, B.F.A., Studio Art: Photography

Instagram feature
Alumni Highlight: Danny Goodwin and Amy Griffin, Valentines then and now! ❤️ ✨
• Danny Goodwin, 1989, B.F.A., Studio Art: Photography
• Amy Griffin, 1988, B.F.A., Studio Art: Photography

Their Valentine's story started when they initially crossed paths in the Art Building during the summer of 1987.

Griffin, who had taken a hiatus from then-North Texas State University, returned to complete her degree. A mutual friend facilitated a chance encounter just before an exam in their summer art history class. Goodwin kindly lent Griffin a pencil, sparking the beginning of their friendship, although they began dating a year later.

Following Griffin's graduation in the summer of 1988, she continued taking studio art courses alongside Goodwin to refine her portfolio for graduate school. Both were pursuing degrees in photography. In 1989, Goodwin graduated, and they embarked on a journey together to begin their master's degrees in New York City.

Today, Goodwin is a professor and chair of the Art and Art History Department at the State University of New York, Albany, N.Y. Meanwhile, Griffin is thriving as the director of the Opalka Gallery at Russell Sage College, Troy, N.Y. Their family has expanded to include two children, one of whom shares their parent's passion for art.

Images: The same couple photographed about 35 years apart — 1) Goodwin, left, circa 1989, smiling, dressed in a suit, Griffin, wearing a black top and red skirt, also smiling, both sitting on a couch. 2) Goodwin, left, circa 2023, wearing glasses, smiling, denim jacket, gray beard, Griffin smiling, long brown hair, wearing a chartreuse-colored sweater and striped shirt; the background is the interior of an airplane. Images courtesy of Amy Griffin.