Julia facing forward, smiling, blonde long hair, wearing a black sleeveless top.

Julia Caswell Freund

M.F.A. program in Studio Art: New Media Art 
Expected graduation: 2026
Art Annex, Studio 125D

Website: Julia Caswell Freund

Collage with cut-out architectural shapes and labels with text.

“Gustav Klimt,” 2023
Photo collage
8.5 x 11 inches

Collage with asymmetrical shapes in grays, reds, browns, blues and white. They are assembled to represent a building with windows and doors.

Mr. Banda's,” 2023
Photo collage
8.5 x 11 inches

Quilt with square images of gardens. Text on it asks the viewer to select all images with pumpkin leaves.

“Captcha Quilt,” 2023
Quilted tapestry
33 x 24 inches