Thalia Wilson

Visit Me Here: Website

About Me: I am focused on UX/UI design since I found out about UX through my initial interest in graphic design. I enjoy prototyping and designing a final product that looks appealing to the user and using research to figure out how to best solve a problem through design. I have strengths in collaboration, paying attention to detail, and adaptability. I have a passion for visual design that can create innovative designs, which in turn can help create a more inclusive world. As an overall fan of storytelling, I love to read and watch movies in my free time and have created a blog to encompass my love for both that you can check out on my portfolio website. 

Image of Barnes & Noble Story Immersion screens on iPhone

Barnes & Noble Story Immersion.


Image of Barnes & Noble Story Immersion feature on iPhone screens.

Barnes & Noble Story Immersion feature.


Images of the user design brochure series pages and covers

User Design Brochure Series.


Image of postpartum tracker feature on apple watch screens

Postpartum Tracker Apple Watch Feature.