Hannah V. Davis

What city are you from?
Colleyville, Texas, USA

Visit Me Here

Hello, my name is Hannah Davis, and I am graduating from the User Experience Design program at UNT. Helping others and creating are two of the things I am most passionate about, so when I applied to the Communication Design program here, I knew UXD would be perfect for me. I am also passionate about psychology and advocating for mental health awareness, and you can see this come through in many of my design projects and my more personal work. When I am not working on my design work, you can find me painting, which is something I also plan to pursue alongside my design career.

What is your favorite memory in the Communication Design program? My favorite memories in the Communication Design program would have to be the little holiday and end-of-semester “celebrations” we would have as a class.

  • User interface design for students: Handbook by the IXDA
    User interface design for students: Handbook by the IXDA
  • The laws of design
    The laws of design
  • Cover page design
    Cover page design
  • The laws of design
    The laws of design
  • Save the ocean, feed the world
    Save the ocean, feed the world