For Rent: CVAD Art Building Lockers

Row of gray lockers in the Art BuildingRent a locker this semester in the Art Building!

Pay by credit card each semester. Small locker: $10  |  Large Locker: $15.

Locker requests will be accepted and processed during the second week of the fall and spring semesters. 

Please read the following guidelines carefully to proceed.

  1. The information I provide is accurate.  
  2. The locker preference will be considered but not guaranteed.
  3. I understand that no adhesives, such as tape, name tags, stickers, etc., are ever allowed on or within the locker. Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of locker privileges.
  4. We will provide a combination lock free of cost with your promise to return or replace it if damaged or lost.
  5. The locker rental request will be processed within three business days of receipt of the request. If you have not received the locker by then, please email the Foundations program office
  6. Once you receive an email notification from CVAD Foundations, you have seven days to occupy the locker. After seven days, unoccupied lockers will be re-assigned. 
  7. The locker cleanout deadline varies by the semester due to staffing. You will be notified of the date via email, posters in the Art Building and flyers on lockers close to the last two weeks of the semester. All items left after the deadline will be discarded or repurposed.
  8. If you have an issue with your locker or any information provided on the form has changed at any point in the semester, email CVAD Foundations at, indicating the issue or change.
  9. Locker sharing is allowed! Feel free to do so.

By continuing, you accept and agree with the guidelines above. Failure to comply with the guidelines will result in forfeiture of locker privileges.


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CVAD Mission: Cultivating creative talent and critical minds within a collaborative and caring environment.

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Note: Should you need reasonable accommodation due to a disability to fully participate in a CVAD event, please contact the CVAD Dean's Office,, 940-565-4001. For voice access, dial 1-800-RELAYTX (735-2989). Please make the request as soon as possible to allow sufficient time to arrange the accommodation.

UNT is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design, 11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 21, Reston, VA 20190-5248, phone: 703-437-0700; fax: 703-437-6312; email: