Kaleb Privett

Hometown: Allen, Texas.
Major: Communication Design

Visit Me Here
kalebprivettdesign.com  |  Dribbble  |  LinkedIn

Starting college when you’re 25 is kind of interesting. You feel a million times more confident and educated when you finish (of course). However, this feeling truly has nothing to do with growing up or becoming an adult. I wouldn’t say that it has much to do with studying, passing tests, or writing papers, either. In the last four years, I learned how to think. I learned how to research, ask questions, and use my head.

Outside of design, catch me hanging out with my fiancé and our three-legged cat, camping, or occasionally hiking up a mountain.

What’s on your designer playlist?


  • Student work sample
  • Student work sample
  • Student work sample
  • Student work sample
  • Student work sample